Friday, October 18, 2013

Articulation Cards

There are several artic cards on the market, or you can easily create your own.  Some of the easiest things to do with them is to play "Go Fish" or "Memory".

Go Fish:
When playing "go fish" your client is using the word in structured sentences. "Do you have a  ____________?", "I do have a __________________.", and I don't have a ____________. Go fish."  Teach them to use these sentences in the appropriate situations to get the most practice at the structured sentence level.

Your client can practice their words at multiple levels.
~word level: say the word when you turn over the picture
~phrase level: "the __________", "(color) __________", etc
~structured sentence level: "I have a ___________."  I don't have a ____________ at home."
~unstructured sentence level:  ask the child to tell you something about the picture
~structured conversation:  ask the child to make up a silly story about the two pictures they turned over

Enjoy playing with the children.  Model what you want them to do by doing it on your turns, too. 

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